Inside a reviewer’s mind…starting point

It’s been awhile since I talked as a reviewer and expectations and whatever else someone may ask or want from a reviewer. And, what a reviewer wants from those requesting their attention.

The easiest answer…ask. No question is dumb. Every question is an opening for the perfect or near perfect review. Okay, that’s a mistake as nothing is ever perfect. Every blurb reads well and still not fit the reader or reviewer. Not every reviewer is the one for you, no matter how popular their site is or isn’t.

There’s always one item, story, reviewer who is just too ____ for anyone. I took on a book, for reviewing, as it sounded quite interesting and fit the genres I enjoy. I wanted to like it. I tried to like it. I did like some of it, small parts of it. In the end, I had to be honest with the publisher that I just didn’t get the story. Did not understand what the author was trying to write. I was willing to keep my end of the bargain and write a review which would state I didn’t mix but someone else might. That it was on me and not the writer. The publisher talked with the author and we all agreed it was best to just leave it as is. Damn, I wanted to mix with that book! It was an fascinating concept.

This is one starting point with any reviewer. Ask and ask questions. Of course, that means accepting the answers, but we’ll talk that another time.

Another important starting point…guidelines. Guidelines. Guidelines. Guidelines. Read any offered. Don’t send or ask if your book has something that is a definite and precise no-no on the guidelines. Take time and check the books previous read, does your book fit in? Be very clear if you think there might be something close to a stated no-no…I’ve bent my own rules occasionally.

Well, it feels good writing as a reviewer not writing a review. Time to pull out my notes and see what still fits after all these years. I want your reviews to work for you and for the reviewers and for our readers.

Now, back to writing and better yet…more reading.