Reader Time: Readying to read

could curl up here right now

Yes, there is a process before I can sit comfortably and lose myself in reading.

First there’s the gathering of my eReaders. Hey, who knows which screen I want for my eyes or which book I’m going to pull up. 

BTW…an ebook is a book, so book is interchangeable with ebook. Hey, no arguing with me, we’re talking books and I know books.

Then I gather a couple of paper books, yes I still read those. Sadly, I move my cell phone and normal phone over to the corner cause you know the child or someone will call just as I get snuggled down and I hate getting up from that position.

Let’s not forget drinks and any nibbles. And a blanket if it’s a little cool. 

Now get the light just right…or a clip light…or adjust the screen’s light. Are my glasses clean? 

All set.

Oh, wait. I forgot my notebook and pen for those books I’ll be writing reviews for later.

Now, I’m all set.

Shhhh, reader at work.