Reader Time: How I find my books

so little time spent here

Believe it or not but this is a difficult question to answer. Being a reviewer I receive most of my reading material via authors or I’m editing and reading my authors. 

Oh, and as a reviewer would it be bad to say I rarely read reviews when making my personal choices? Okay, maybe not as rare as I think.

Where did I purchase my last non-review/non-editing book? My publisher, MuseItUp. I may work with the company, but I do miss plenty of new releases.

Which leads me to other electronic publishers I’ve ‘met’ through the years. Recently I went looking for an author whose books I loved (found via reviewing) and discovered she’s no longer writing that series. Yeah, that brought me down a bit.

So that’s how I shop online for authors I don’t know. Authors I do know I’ll go to the big vendors and search there. Another strange point…I know the marketing, but as a reader, again, I rarely search through vendors’ never ending pages of books. Who has that amount of time?

Maybe it’s more because I know how many pages there are as I try and help market my authors?

The last major book shopping was done at my daughter’s school’s book fair. I tried at the local bookstore and, frankly, the volume of books just overwhelmed me. I got to the point I couldn’t tell one from the other, they all just blended together for me.

We’re back to me finding you (or you finding me) online. Now, if I wasn’t in the industry how could you find me, so that I found you?


Join groups I’m a member of? I’m sure I must have the same interests as any of you writers. Or I may know someone who does.

Meet and greets? Those can work. Problem is if I’m not interested or not ready to buy in front of you…which is why I would love a card with the eBook information so I can get it when I’m ready. I tend to steer away from authors and tables of print books because I feel horrible holding a book and not  buying it.

Dang I set myself up with this posting’s topic. I haven’t really bought any unknown author in some time.

Basically, it’s boiling down to what flashes across my social media screen or what is sent to me for reviewing.

Then again, works the same way as how others I know learn about books…what flashes across their screens via people they know. Screen talk the new word of mouth.