Would appreciate receiving…

These may seem small details and easy for the reviewer to find, but why risk it? Yes, risk it. What if I copy the wrong information? Are you sure I’ll find your website? Will I look for one? Is the jpeg cover clear enough?

You want people to read your work! You hope the review will garner attention and bring sales. Present your best information possible. Some reviewers do interviews…ask. Present your own common questions and answers. Ask.

As much as you establish a relationship with your publisher, editor, cover designer, establish one with your reviewer.

I haven’t always asked for this information, but I may start again. Spelling in the blurb shouldn’t be my issue during a copy and paste action. Retyping, of course.

And it will lessen my worry by having the correct information.

What information do you want included with the review? Ask, it’s always appreciated.